Aloha Oe, Kauai

Aloha Oe, Kauai

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday 08/08/2010 update: DNR and other thoughts

Thank our Heavenly Father, Paul made it back in time to visit with his mom. She is failing. He is astounded at how similar Shirley's situation is to my mom's. This is an extremely difficult and personal topic, but I have to catch and record my thoughts. My condo is nowhere near any state of readiness for me to depart, yet 9PM will come whether I'm ready or not, and the plane will leave, whether I'm packed and on it, or not. Can't get through the packing with this on my mind.

Both Shirley and Ursula were labeled DNR, or Do Not Resuscitate, meaning that the only life support administered are "comfort measures". I find this ironic, that "comfort measures" are pain medications, and not food or water. My sister Kathy, a nurse at Cape Cod Hospital where our mom spent the last four days of her life, explained DNR; in its final stages, a dying body begins to shut down processes. When we administer artificial life support such as oxygen, nutrition and water, the body becomes confused, and the process of dying is protracted, and prolonged.

After having witnessed my poor mom slowly leaving us for four full days and nights May 10-14, 2007, and imagining Shirley in a similar state, I can only say that I am still undecided about what I will write on my "Five Wishes" form before I leave for Abu Dhabi. It seems the most loving gift we can give our loved ones is to make the decision about how we would like to be cared for in our final days, so that our loved ones don't have to.


  1. I was hoping to read about your exciting trip on my first viewing of your blog, Patty, but I see the adversary is hard at work. We here at your second home are truly amazed by your coping and patience (Paul inclusive, of course) as life throws larger wrenches at your wheels. Amazingly, you just pick them up and use them to tackle bigger jobs! We are so grateful to have you helping us and others the way you do. Aloha, Wild Dog

  2. I have joined and will be following you as you move through this experience. I am sorry about Paul's mom. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. Like you I know what he is going through. Safe travels my friend.

